Our beverage carton business

continues to create unprecedented

value and contribute to

build a sustainable society.

Our beverage carton business

continues to create unprecedented

value and contribute to

build a sustainable society.

Four Sustainable Actions

  • 01

    Responsible Sourcing

    We realize stable procurement of paperboard by taking advantage of manufacturing paperboard at our multiple sites in Japan and overseas.

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  • 02

    Advantage of Beverage Paper Carton

    We sublimate our beverage paper carton derived from wood resources into a product that will contribute to reduce CO₂ emissions with enhanced recyclability.

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  • 03

    Environmentally Friendly Products

    We introduce our proud environmentally friendly products that are both easy to use and less CO₂ emissions.

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  • 04


    We are promoting various initiatives, such as establishing a flow for material recycle, with the aim of improving the recycling rate of paper cartons, which are suitable for recycling.

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Maximum use of the Resource
for Beverage Paper Carton

We contribute to build a circular economy by making maximum use of renewable wood resources from sourcing to recycling by utilizing our various technologies and know-how.

  • Afforestation and

    Forests absorb CO2 while growing
    after planting and several thinning operations.

  • Harvesting

    Trees are harvested with care to
    the ecosystem and biodiversity.

  • Chipping and

    Timber residuals are chipped at sawmill
    and processed to pulp at paper mill.

  • Paperboard

    Paperboard is made from pulp with paper machine,
    and is laminated with polyethylene to
    the front and back surfaces.

  • Paper Carton

    NP-PAK carton (before assembly) is produced
    from paperboard through the process of printing,
    punching, sealing and packing, etc.

  • Filling at
    Beverage Manufacturer

    Paper carton is formed and filled
    with beverage with the filling machine
    at beverage manufacturer,
    and become a paper carton product.

  • Product Delivered
    to Stores & Supermarkets

    Paper carton products are delivered to supermarkets,
    convenience stores, etc.

  • Products Arrives
    at Consumers

    Safe and secure paper carton products
    arrive to consumers

  • Recycle

    With the cooperation of consumers,
    used carton is collected after “washed”, “opened”,
    and “dried” for recycle.

  • Reborn as toilet rolls
    and tissue paper

    Recycled fibers are reborn as part of materials
    for toilet rolls and tissue paper, etc.

Check CO2

You can check CO2 emissions for typical grades of our paper cartons.
The data is calculated independently by us with LCA support software,
and the calculation conditions are described separately.

  • Recycling Effect
  • CO2 Emissions
  • Chilled distribution チルドタイプ

    NP-PAK レギュラーNP-PAK Regular機能性向上(EVOH)Improved functionality (EVOH)1000ml

    CO2 EmissionsCO2総排出量
    Calculation Condition算出条件
  • Chilled distribution チルドタイプ

    NP-PAK レギュラーNP-PAK Regular清涼飲料用Soft drink1000ml

    CO2 EmissionsCO2総排出量
    Calculation Condition算出条件
  • Chilled distribution チルドタイプ

    NP-PAK レギュラーNP-PAK Regular牛乳用Milk1000ml

    CO2 EmissionsCO2総排出量
    Calculation Condition算出条件
  • Chilled distribution チルドタイプ

    NP-PAK レギュラーNP-PAK RegularLiterLyte®LiterLyte®1000ml

    CO2 EmissionsCO2総排出量
    Calculation Condition算出条件
  • Chilled distribution チルドタイプ

    NP-PAK レギュラーNP-PAK RegularLiterLyte®LiterLyte®500ml

    CO2 EmissionsCO2総排出量
    Calculation Condition算出条件